Request a Quote

MetalTrax pricing is based on the number of users who will need to install the software on their workstations. Our quotes are complete, with no hidden fees or charges.

We also include the cost of training in our quotes to give you a complete price. As part of purchase, Kimzey Software will convert your customer, vendor, inventory items, and general ledger data and place it into MetalTrax for you for no additional cost. We have found that training new customers on their own data, using familiar customers and items, helps new users learn quickly.

Request a demo

Enter your contact information below and we'll send you a free demo version of Metaltrax within one business day.

Support & Training

Customer support is available M-F from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MST. Kimzey Software offers phone support, login support and on-site support.

Training can be done by phone, computer, on-site,

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